What came first, the process or the insight? In an ideal world, a business’s processes would be informed by data, with teams seeking information to help them reach pre-established goals and objectives. But when it comes to data collection, can we really understand what we want to do with this information before we have it in front of us? And as clients become increasingly concerned about maintaining growth in a changing world, how do we convince them that collecting more data isn’t a business-saving silver bullet?
Why compliance should be your first thought, not an afterthought
Collecting customer data is something businesses take for granted. It’s an expectation: if they can’t gather data on their customers’ behavior online, how else are brands meant to optimize their user journeys? Yet as legal battles between Google Analytics and European data protection authorities show no signs of slowing down, global businesses risk losing access to data on a massive market. They need to reconsider their compliance strategies — and quickly. The shifting landscape of data security is impacting marketers, businesses, and consumers, but are the changes benefiting anyone?
How Data Privacy Rules Force us to Go Back to Basics
What is the key role of marketers today? Is it to generate leads for the sales team, or strategically position the company to win? Discover the answer in this episode of Marketing Unfucked featuring my special guest, Derek A. Lackey.
Dave Smyth, Designer and Developer at Scruples Studio, joins the Marketing Unf*cked podcast to discuss how organisations use ‘spy pixels’ to send your email data back to the original sender - and the steps you can take to protect your privacy.
Stop Forcing Customers To Do What They Wouldn’t Want
Stéphane Hamel is a seasoned digital marketing and analytics consultant, innovator, keynote speaker, pre-seed investor, and start-up & agency advisor. He joins the very first episode of the Marketing Unfcked podcast to discuss how marketers can unfck their marketing by focusing less on automated chatbots and more on building trust with customers.